It’s Dangerous When Christians Think & Operate Like the World

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It’s Dangerous When Christians Think & Operate Like the World

A whole new generation of Christians has come up believing that it is possible to ‘accept’ Christ without forsaking the world. ~Tozer

We Can’t Seem to Get Along

James speaks to present circumstances that describe physical conflicts between individuals involving violent verbal disputes. The misuse of the tongue that James castigates in chapter three probably arose from these disputes. It is sad and inexcusable that the Christian church has so often been characterized by such bitter controversies. James seems to be bothered more by the selfish spirit and bitterness of the quarrels than by the rights and wrongs of the various viewpoints.

What is the source of these quarrels?

James points his finger at the passions that are at war within us as the problem. The arguments and conflicts that were disrupting Christian fellowship could not be ascribed to righteous passion or justifiable zeal; it was selfish, indulgent desire that was responsible.

Any type of conflict, verbal argument, private violence or national conflict can often be traced back to the frustrated desire to want more than we have or to be envious of and covet what others have, whether it be their position or their possessions.

James Points Out the Cause of Conflict

James marks out three characteristics of those who are in conflict with God: hostility toward God, disregard for Scripture, and arrogant pride.

Hostility Toward God   James 4:4

James’ use of the word adulteresses served to characterize his readers as the unfaithful people of God. By seeking friendship with the world they are, in effect, committing ‘spiritual adultery’, and making themselves enemies of God. The same can be said of those who claim to be Christians and attach themselves to the church but have no saving relationship to God or love for Him or His Word. There is no middle ground. You can no more spiritually have two gods than you can legally have two spouses.

A Disregard for Scripture James 4:5

James is saying that unbelievers who are in a permanent state of spiritual conflict with God reflect that hostility by not trusting or obeying His Word. As well, believers too often refuse to acknowledge their natural enmity with and separation from the sovereign God and refuse to follow the scripture.

A Prideful Attitude James 4:6

This word literally means “one who shows himself above other people.” This pride shuts itself off from God for 3 reasons:

 Does not know its own need; walks in proud self-sufficiency.
 Cherishes its own independence and will not submit to any man, nor to God.
 Does not recognize its own sin. A pride like that cannot receive help because it does not know that it needs help and, therefore, cannot ask. There is no real love for God, only self.

James Summons Them to Repent

The series of commands in verses 7–10 flow from the quotation of Proverbs 3:34: if God, indeed, gives grace to the humble, it is clearly man’s responsibility to submit to God.

To “humble ourselves before the Lord” means to recognize our own spiritual poverty. We acknowledge our desperate need of God’s help and submit to His will for all our lives.

Christian or Secular World View

James rebuked those who habitually think through and articulate their life plans as if God did not exist or care.

James gives two reasons that those who presumptuously leave God out of their planning are foolish.

First, it is foolish because you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. Some people foolishly imagine that they alone are in charge of their lives. Christians have the comfort in knowing that the sovereign, omniscient, omnipotent God of the universe controls every event and circumstance of their lives and weaves them all into His perfect plan for them. Romans 8:28

Second, it is foolish because this life is short. How foolish, in light of the brevity and frailty of earthly life, to plan and live one’s life without consideration for God’s will. This is not to excuse laziness or apathy in life. We should work hard, learn, discern well, and be good stewards of our lives. We simply should not do it all without God.

They Were Arrogant to Deny God’s Will

James traces the failure to take God into account in making plans to its root—arrogant pride.

The first wrong response to God’s will is presumptuously ignoring it, living as though God and His will do not exist. But there are also those who, while acknowledging that God exists and has a will, nevertheless arrogantly reject it.

All these actions reveal one is better friends with the world and allows the world philosophy to control them.  Be closer & better friends with God; live with no regrets.