Jesus, Light Of The World

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Jesus, The Light Of The World

John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world! The one who follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Jesus’ statement, “I am the light of the world,” is a reflection upon the ceremony which took place during the feast each evening in the temple courts. During that familiar ceremony, two giant candelabra were lighted, illuminating the whole temple court.

This is a wonderful promise. There is nothing we need more in this world today than light on our path. Many people do not know where they are going—after they leave this life, but even down the road tomorrow.

If we desire to understand this crazy, turbulent, and  mixed-up world, where so many different explanations of life are hurled at us, we need to listen to the words of the Lord Jesus. His light will guide us through it all.

One Reason People Continue To Walk in Darkness

People Often Remain in Darkness Out of Ignorance

John 8:14b But you do not know where I have come from or where I am going.

They chose not to believe, and their unbelief gave birth to ignorance. Unbelief locks one into ignorance. They weren’t unbelievers because of their ignorance.  They were without understanding, because of unbelief. They did not process anything He said, and they did not connect any of the evidence concerning who He was.

One must be very careful when rejecting Jesus Christ and choosing unbelief. If ignorance has been met with truth and you are unwilling to see it, then you are  locked in to the kind of ignorance that is hopeless.

They were rejecting Jesus on the basis of a very narrow portion of the evidence about Him. They only looked at a few facts about Him which they believed they could find fault with. They never looked at the whole mass  of evidence of who He really was. This is the case with many people concerning Christ today.

Jesus Judges By The Facts Men Often Don’t

John 8:15 You judge according to externals; I do not judge anyone.

Jesus said, ‘Just because I claim these certain things, that is no reason to reject them, as they may be true. What you need to do is look for more evidence.  You may suspend judgment on this basis, but do not reject My claims without investigating.’

People who know who they are have a sense of confidence. They feel secure, and are more often able to stand up against the assaults and accusations of others. People who do not have this confidence are insecure, uncertain, and often undependable—and sadly more likely  to spend their time doubting themselves or criticizing others versus addressing what they can be doing better or differently, and helping others become all that God intended.

When Christians really believe what God says  about them, and they refuse to listen even to their own feelings, which lie to them about who they are: They are much more steady and secure to get through  this crazy world with peace and confidence. Jesus said, ‘You reject My claims because you look only at appearances, and you focus only on the flesh.’

They said no to Jesus, vowing insufficient evidence, but they never bothered to look at the evidence that was there.

Jesus Followed the Law Criteria For Proof

John 8:18 I am the One who testifies concerning Myself, and the Father who sent Me testifies concerning Me.

The Law demands two witnesses to be accepted, witnesses I have: I am one, and my Father is one. The Law is fulfilled, you ought to accept that.

The Father Underscored and Supported His Claims: 

The marvelous signs were done by the power of the Father.  The people said, “No one can do the things that this man does unless God is with him.” John 3:2 

There was the inner conviction of the heart. When people  listened to Jesus they said, “He speaks as no other man ever spoke.” John 7:46

The Father supported the claims Jesus made, through the fulfillment of the Scriptures themselves. Countless times, the predictions of the Old Testament were fulfilled.

They Did Not Know God the Father

John 8:19 So they were saying to him, “Where is your father?” Jesus replied, “You know neither Me, nor my Father!

Many people today say they know God, but the god they are talking about is a god of their own imagination.

They are merely projecting an idea about God that is not real. They are worshiping a figment of their imagination. That is why many people do not come to the light: Their willful ignorance blinds their hearts. They do not know Jesus, and they do not know God, and really don’t investigate Him. They just Choose not to believe